Indonesian Sauce Paste Recipe : Shrimp Paste Chili Sauce - Resep Sambal Terasi - Who does not like to eat spicy? Almost everyone likes spicy, and most people like spicy chili sauce that comes from the process into sauce, chili paste that would like us to share in this occasion. Shrimp paste chili sauce, especially in the Java Island.

Commonly, chili paste at the same meal with fresh vegetables fried tempe, fried chicken, fish, milk. In fact, almost all of the side dishes are perfect when in eating along with chili paste. To make a tasty chili paste in need have balance between spicy, sweet, and salty. Therefore blend material that fits in the need to make chili paste. Well, you are ready to make chili paste? Follow the recipe.

  • 15 Cayenne chili
  • 9 Red Chili 9
  • 9 cloves Onion
  • 2 cloves Garlic
  • Cooked Shrimp paste 2 teaspoons
  • Brown Sugar 1 teaspoon
  • Salt ½ teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil (for sauteing)

  • Wash thoroughly all ingredients such as cayenne chili, red chili, garlic and onion.
  • Prepare a skillet, heat the oil and fry ingredients such as cayenne chili red chili, garlic, onions, and cooked shrimp paste.
  • Fry until wilted, do not get burnt and lift.
  • Next prepare a pestle and mortar and put all the ingredients that have been fried earlier, also add brown sugar and salt.
  • Mashed all the ingredients become to condiment. If you make large amounts can use the blender.
  • Finally taste the sauce and add material if there are less
  • Shrimp paste Chili sauce Ready at Serve.

Make good chili paste which requires a balance between the spices, and therefore I recommended tasting it first because sometimes there are still lacking.

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